Op-Ed: Plan To Protect Texas Military Bases
San Antonio Express-News
By Greg Abbott
January 13, 2014
“Texas must be prepared to protect our military bases from closing. I have a plan to do that.
“Our state has a long and storied military history. For more than a century, Texans have had a prominent role in defending the nation, sending our sons and daughters to fight on foreign fields of battle in Europe, Asia, Africa and Central America. My brother, Gary, proudly served in the United States Navy for 20 years until retiring as a commander.
“More than one million from Texas have served; plus servicemen and women from the other 49 states have trained and lived on military installations in Texas. From the four active military bases in San Antonio, to Fort Hood in Central Texas to Fort Bliss in El Paso, from the Kingsville Naval Air Station to Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, the military has planted roots in Texas, and Texans have reciprocated with undying support and devotion to our military forces.
“As 2014 begins, political and economic uncertainty loom large like dark clouds over our nation. Washington’s inability to reform entitlement programs and repeal Obamacare make the Department of Defense budget a potential target for spending cuts. If Washington imposes a reduction in forces, Texas could bear a significant brunt of those cuts. We are home to 15 military bases. One in 9 active duty military personnel are stationed at Texas bases.
“Beginning in 1988, the U.S. government has downsized the number of military bases in a series of Base Realignment and Closure rounds. Every one of these rounds has led to the closure or realignment of bases in Texas. In the most recent BRAC round in 2005, six of the 15 bases in Texas received below average military value scores. Military value scores are critically important in determining which facilities will be closed or downsized.
“In 2012, the total annual economic output of Texas’ 15 military installations was almost $150 billion. Most of Texas’ military installations are located in rural or low-population areas. The economic impact the military has on these communities is extraordinary, and yet Texas could have as many as seven bases on the chopping block when the federal Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission makes its next recommendations, most likely in 2017 — during the next governor’s term in office.
“As governor, I will ensure Texas is prepared to deal with this threat. I am outlining three important steps I will take as governor to ensure Texas is aggressive and proactive in battling defense cuts that could harm both our military and our military communities.
“First, I will establish the Texas Military Preparedness Commission as a separate office within the governor’s office and appoint a full-time, knowledgeable military advisory to coordinate with our local and base community leaders to ensure we have a strategic plan for Texas installations. Second, I will ask the Legislature for the resources needed to protect our military communities. States such as Florida have already appropriated $5 million to protect their bases. Other states have already started to implement strategic plans. We must be competitive.
“Third, I will work with community and military base leaders to develop a strategic plan to enhance Texas military facilities, whether it is improving infrastructure, job training or educational opportunities for military families.
“Military facilities have an immense impact on the Texas economy. Texans are proud to host these installations, and we will work to keep them here. No state offers greater support for the mission of the military, and its servicemen and women, than Texas. I will keep it that way.”
This op-ed ran in San Antonio Express-News.