“Real, Bolder, Bigger Reform Plan” … “Relief To Property-Taxpayers” … “A Critical Step In Protecting Taxpayers”
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: “This is a real, bolder, bigger reform plan.” (Mike Ward, “Gov. Abbott Proposes 2.5 Percent Cap On Property Tax Revenues,” Houston Chronicle, 1/16/18)
Rep. Dennis Bonnen, House Ways And Means Committee Chairman: “Serious problems demand serious leadership and that’s that we’re getting here today.” (Mike Ward, “Gov. Abbott Proposes 2.5 Percent Cap On Property Tax Revenues,” Houston Chronicle, 1/16/18)
Sen. Paul Bettencourt, Senate Select Committee On Property Tax Reform Chairman: “This plan would mean some relief to property-taxpayers.” (Mike Ward, “Gov. Abbott Proposes 2.5 Percent Cap On Property Tax Revenues,” Houston Chronicle, 1/16/18)
Kevin Roberts, Executive Vice President, Texas Public Policy Foundation: “The Governor’s proposal to cap revenue growth from property taxes is a critical step in protecting taxpayers, homeowners, and small businesses. Texans are getting taxed off their own property, making it impossible for some people to stay in their homes or grow their businesses. The Governor’s plan will give citizens more control over the exploding cost of owning and operating property in the state.” (Gromer Jeffers, “Abbott Wants To Limit Local Jurisdictions’ Ability To Raise Texans’ Taxes,” Dallas Morning News, 1/16/18)