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Fort Worth Star Telegram: “Marked By Standing Ovations…” “Friday was Abbott’s day, marked by standing ovations and machines shooting red, white and blue confetti into the air after his speech was finished.” (Fort Worth Star Telegram, 6/6/14)

KVUE: “Abbott Also Laid Out A Set Of Campaign Promises Dubbed A “Bicentennial Blueprint.”’ (KVUE, 6/6/14)

Houston Chronicle: “Greg Abbott On Friday Unveiled His “Bicentennial Blueprint” To Create A New Generation Of Excellence In Texas.” “Attorney General and GOP gubernatorial nominee Greg Abbott on Friday unveiled his “Bicentennial Blueprint” to create a new generation of excellence in Texas during the next two decades, starting with making Lone Star schools the best in the nation.” (Houston Chronicle, 6/6/14)

  • “Announcing His Plan To Thunderous Applause…” “‘We must build an even better Texas for tomorrow,’ Abbott said in announcing his plan to thunderous applause at the Republican state convention, a vision punctuated with tea-party goals now part of the Texas Republican mantra.” (Houston Chronicle, 6/6/14)

KXAS: “Huge Cheers…” “Huge cheers as Attorney Gen. Greg Abbott greeted the thousands of republicans who want to see him get the top job in the state.” (KXAS, 6/6/14)

Associated Press: “Abbott Broadly Outlined … A Plan For Better Schools And Health Care In Texas When The State Celebrates Its Bicentennial In 20 Years.” “Abbott broadly outlined to roughly 10,000 convention delegates who’ve clashed this week over the party platform a plan for better schools and health care in Texas when the state celebrates its bicentennial in 20 years.” (Associated Press, 6/6/14)

KTVT: “Abbott Said His Goals Are Improving Schools And Healthcare, While Keeping The State’s Job Market #1.” “Abbott said his goals are improving schools and healthcare, while keeping the state’s job market #1. He also promised to build roads, and spend money for transportation on transportation.” (KTVT, 6/6/14)

KVUE: “Abbott Also Laid Out A Set Of Campaign Promises Dubbed A “Bicentennial Blueprint.” (KVUE, 6/6/14)

KDFW: “Greg Abbott Accepted His Party’s Nomination And Vowed To Keep Texas Strong.” “It was one big party at the Republican state convention in Fort Worth. Candidate for Governor Greg Abbott accepted his party’s nomination and vowed to keep Texas strong, tightening the border and eliminating standardized tests.” (KDFW, 6/6/14)

YNN: “Abbott Used His Time Lay Out A Vision For The State On Education, Border Security And Transportation. He Called It His Bicentennial Blueprint.” “Abbott used his time lay out a vision for the state on education, border security and transportation. He called it his Bicentennial Blueprint. But he also made time to single out his Democratic opponent, Senator Wendy Davis, by tying her to the Obama administration.” (YNN, 6/6/14)