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In 2021 O’Rourke Drove Eight Hours From El Paso To Austin To Testify Against S.B. 29, Which Banned Genetic Males From Competing In Women’s Sports. “Former state representative Beto O’Rourke joined dozens of Texans at the Capitol on March 26 to advocate against the anti-transgender Senate Bill 29. The bill, written by Senator Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) and marked as one of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick’s top 31 priorities, would ban trans children from participating in student athletics that match their gender identities. O’Rourke, who said earlier this week he drove over eight hours to Austin from El Paso to fight bills that would harm Texans, told a Senate committee he ‘learned a lot’ from listening to those who were testifying both for and against SB 29.” (Lourdes Zavaleta, “Beto O’Rourke Testifies In Support Of Trans Children,” OutSmart Magazine, 3/27/21)

In 2021 Gov. Abbott Signed Legislation That Required Students Play Sports Corresponding With Their Sex At Birth. “Texas’ transgender student athletes will be restricted from playing on K-12 school sports teams that align with their gender identity under a bill Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Monday. House Bill 25, authored by state Rep. Valoree Swanson, R-Spring, will require student athletes who compete in interscholastic competition to play on sports teams that correspond with the sex listed on their birth certificate at or near their time of birth. It is set to go into effect Jan. 18.” (Allyson Walker, “Restrictions On Transgender Student Athletes’ Participation In School Sports Signed Into Law By Gov. Greg Abbott,” Texas Tribune, 10/25/21)