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Texans for Fiscal Responsibility Endorses Greg Abbott for Governor

AUSTIN – Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, one of the state’s premiere organizations fighting to improve Texas’ already-healthy economy, today endorsed Greg Abbott for governor. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s president Michael Quinn Sullivan cited Greg Abbott’s “Working Texans” plan as “a bold series of fiscal and governance reforms that will make the Lone Star State shine more brightly than ever before.”

“I’m honored to have the support of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, and I look forward to working together with them to make sure Texas leads the nation in prosperity for generations to come,” said Abbott.

Abbott continued, “TFR understands as I do that state and local debt is a fearsome threat to Texas’ future. Truth in budgeting, spending limits, and line-item veto power to cut wasteful spending are paramount to making sure Texas does not go the way of D.C., California, or Detroit. My ‘Working Texans’ plan will help secure fiscal responsibility and give families and businesses the freedom to prosper.”