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Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC Endorses Greg Abbott for Governor


AUSTIN – Texans for Lawsuit Reform PAC announced their endorsement of Greg Abbott for governor. In offering their endorsement, TLRPAC cited Abbott’s commitment to a strong economy and a fair civil justice system.

Speaking on behalf of TLRPAC, Richard W. Weekley released the following statement:

“As an attorney, judge and attorney general, Greg Abbott knows first-hand that a balanced, fair and predictable civil justice system is critical to maintaining respect for the law and our state’s strong economy. He has seen the positive impact of the two decades of tort reform in Texas that has made our state the largest job creator in the nation and has greatly improved citizens’ access to doctors and other healthcare providers. Greg Abbott was acclaimed as a fair and efficient trial judge and was respected as a conservative and thoughtful jurist on the Texas Supreme Court. As Attorney General, he has been a strong and effective advocate for Texans on issues ranging from child support payments to protecting the balance between the federal and state governments and he has vigorously asserted Texans’ constitutional rights to liberty. He has the experience, skills and political courage to be an outstanding Governor of Texas. TLRPAC is proud to endorse Greg Abbott.”

“TLRPAC has been an active champion of the very values I have defended as Attorney General of Texas,” Greg Abbott said. “Due to their tireless efforts, Texas now has a fairer civil justice system that has contributed to our growing economy. And as Texas’ next governor, I will foster a business climate that allows employers to put their money into creating jobs, rather than litigation. I’m grateful for the support of TLRPAC, an organization that has helped create an environment of job growth and economic prosperity in Texas.”

For more information on endorsements Greg Abbott has received in his campaign for governor, visit