Texas Building and Manufacturing Organizations Endorse Greg Abbott for Governor
Tony Bennett, President of the Texas Association of Manufacturers, touted the organization’s support of Greg Abbott for Governor, saying, “The Manufacturers PAC of Texas (MPACT), the political arm of the Texas Association of Manufacturers, proudly endorses Greg Abbott for Governor of Texas because of his unwavering commitment to keep Texas at the forefront of competition, innovation and job creation. Manufacturing is the heart of the Texas economy, which continues to be the envy of the nation, and we’re confident that under General Abbott’s leadership, Texas will stay on top. Texas needs a leader that won’t flinch when faced with tough decisions to keep Texas strong; Greg Abbott is that leader.”
George B. Allen, Executive Vice President of the Texas Apartment Association, said, “Our state’s long-term vitality depends on electing leaders who are committed to maintaining a healthy economic climate while keeping an eye on future infrastructure needs. With a distinguished record of public service, Greg Abbott has the right combination of skills and experience needed to lead our state. He will be a great Governor, and on behalf of the Texas Apartment Association, I am proud to announce our support and endorsement of his campaign for Governor.”
Robert Wood, Chairman of the HOMEPAC Board of Trustees, added, “Greg Abbott has the experience and know-how to be an outstanding Governor of Texas. He has demonstrated his commitment to build a better Texas by improving the state’s economy and infrastructure, and helping free enterprise to flourish. As Attorney General, Greg Abbott has consistently been a strong advocate for our state, enforcing and defending laws to ensure that Texas retains its economic strength, and encouraging homeownership through property tax reform and reduction. HOMEPAC proudly endorses Greg Abbott for Governor.”
“As Attorney General, Greg Abbott has been a leader in the effort to protect and strengthen businesses in Texas,” said Joi Taylor, President of the Texas Building Owners and Managers Association. “We feel this leadership is essential to ensure our economy reaches the highest level of competitiveness across the nation. The Texas Building Owners and Managers Association is proud to support his efforts, and we are proud to endorse Greg Abbott’s race for Governor of Texas.”
In response to the endorsements, Greg Abbott issued the following statement:
“I’ve had the honor of working closely with building and manufacturing organizations with the goal of protecting property rights and strengthening the robust business climate that makes Texas the leading state in the nation for job growth. The building and manufacturing industry plays an important role in our state’s economy, and I will continue to strengthen these industries as Governor. I am proud of my partnership with each of these organizations, and I’m grateful to have their support in my bid for Governor.”