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This op-ed originally appeared in the Dallas Morning News on August 29, 2018.

Texas Must Boost School Funding
By Greg Abbott
Dallas Morning News

In its most recent ruling on the Texas school finance system, the Texas Supreme Court wrote that the system needed “transformational, top-to-bottom reforms that amount to more than Band-Aid on top of Band-Aid.” That’s why I urged the Legislature to create the Texas Commission on Public School Finance. It’s clear to the Supreme Court, and to most Texans, that just throwing more money at a flawed system isn’t going to fix anything. Instead, we must focus on strategies that are most likely to help students achieve academic growth.

To learn firsthand what educators think about new and better strategies to improve our education system, I’ve been holding roundtable meetings with teachers, principals and administrators at schools around the state, including at Solar Preparatory School For Girls in Dallas.

We need to pay our best teachers more, reward teachers and districts for student growth, prioritize spending in the classroom and reduce the burden of skyrocketing property taxes. I’ll add up front that I believe the state will have to provide more funding.

Texas has already seen substantial student gains from similar reforms in Dallas, which is arguably leading the nation’s greatest urban education turnaround. Five years ago, Dallas Independent School District had 43 failing campuses; today it is down to four. Under Dallas’ teacher compensation plan, master educators are already making upward of $90,000 per year. When implemented statewide, a marketplace for teacher talent can drive salaries for the best teachers above $100,000, encouraging the next generation to choose the teaching profession.

We must also focus funding on improving student growth. We cannot continue to fund schools based merely on the number of students sitting in a classroom and expect better results. Attendance should not be confused with achievement. For example, according to Texas Education Agency data, overall education spending in Texas has increased by more than 50 percent since 2006, and the state is contributing 29 percent more education funding per student in that time period. Yet this investment has not led to an increase in student achievement.

To encourage improvements, we must reward districts and teachers that achieve student academic growth at critical educational gateways, such as third-grade reading proficiency, as well as college, career and military readiness in high school. Students who are reading on grade level in third grade are 2.8 times more likely to be reading at grade level in eighth grade and twice as likely to be on grade level in math. This correlation is critical. If a child cannot read by third grade, his or her ability to learn in later grades in other subjects is directly impacted.

We can achieve better results if we prioritize spending on our students and teachers, as well as technology and mentoring. For example, the school finance system spends nearly $250,000 per year for a 22-student classroom, but average teacher pay is just under $54,000. To put that in perspective, per-classroom spending has increased by $56,000 since 2006 — enough money to double the average teacher salaries. Texas should provide districts with financial incentives to put more money into the classroom. This strategy will also increase both the equity and efficiency of our system.

School finance reform must be accompanied by reforms in property taxes. Changes in how money is allocated to districts directly impact a district’s entitlement and recapture. It will reduce the amount that districts have to pay into the funding reallocation scheme known as Robin Hood. By forcing tax rates to shrink as property values rise, as I propose in my property tax reform plan, property owners are protected from large increases in future tax bills. To accomplish this goal, the state must increase its responsibility for education funding.

Additionally, we must couple these reforms with reforms to the Teacher Retirement System to ensure retirements are sound and health care costs are contained.

The future of Texas is in our classrooms today. That future depends on paying our best teachers more, rewarding districts for student achievement and growth, prioritizing spending in the classroom and reducing the burden of ever-increasing property taxes. We must seize this moment to build a better future for Texas.